Call For Application : The Iris Prize 2024 (Up To $15000)

The Iris Prize is open for applications until April 30th, 2024 at 23:59 GMT

Are you aged 14-24? Do you have an idea or an established project protecting or restoring nature in your local community?

To apply for a prize, you must take our eligibility quiz to access the application form. Below is the quiz in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Arabic. Remember, we accept applications in any language and offline, too

Eligibility criteria for applying

  • Your project or organization is led by young people aged 14 to 24. 
  • To be eligible for an Iris Prize, most of your leadership must be young people with project autonomy and decision-making power. 
  • Please do not apply if you are not within this age category.
  • You support the principle of protecting and restoring nature and the rights of those working to defend it.
  • We welcome projects that are either fiscally sponsored or associated with larger organizations, charities, or NGOs. 
  • However, it is essential that the young person leading the project retains complete autonomy and decision-making authority.
  • We prioritize ensuring the safety and well-being of our prize participants.
  •  If you are under a minor in your country, please be aware that we require collaboration with a local organization or NGO to serve as a fiscal sponsor. 
  • This partner organization will be responsible for managing the financial grant, holding the funds, and providing financial support to you throughout the process.

The Award

The Iris Prize 


Awarded to an established project with the potential to replicate and scale.

Ages 16-24

The Seed Prize


Awarded for a new idea, not yet established.

Ages 14-24

The Stem Prize


Awarded for an existing project, established on a small scale.

Ages 16-24

Interested Applicants Should APPLY NOW