West African Youth Alliance Program | ECOWAS Youth Consultatative Forum

West African Youth Alliance
invites esteemed leaders, dignitaries, and change-makers to join us for a groundbreaking Ecowas Youth Parliament Conceptual Framework Dialogue
This pivotal event aims to foster understanding, and collective action towards a more united African youth front.

Date: 27TH September, 2024.
Location: Virtual Webinar on google meet.
This dialogue brings together high-profile individuals from diverse backgrounds, including leaders, activists, and influencers. Through keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, we will explore innovative solutions to pressing national and global challenges.

We invite you to:

  • Share your expertise and insights
  • Engage in meaningful discussions and networking.
  • Contribute to shaping a more formidable youth and harmonious future.
    Join us in this critical conversation and help build bridges towards a bri