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RIKEN IMS Internship Program 2025

Application for The RIKEN IMS Internship Program 2025 is open!!!

RIKEN IMS is currently accepting applications for the FY2025 RIKEN IMS Internship Program, from talented students/postdoctoral fellows who would like to experience RIKEN’s research activities.

The RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences was established in 2013 with the aim of creating innovative medical science and contributing to the future of human health. To accomplish these goals, IMS applies interdisciplinary approaches to create a new research area of integrative medical sciences, which includes genome-wide medical science, immunology and physiology, bioinformatics, and molecular, biochemical, and quantitative sciences.

In April 2018, they launched a new internship grant program to host young distinguished international scientists who carry out research activities in IMS laboratories. This program was suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but resumed in April 2024.

The duration of this program is between 1 to 3 months. There are two support categories: Category 1 is for students and Category 2 is for young postdocs. IMS provides the following support to conduct an internship at IMS.
Category 1: Lodging, travel expenses, and an internship allowance (3,000 yen/working day).
Category 2: Lodging and travel expenses. No daily allowance is provided.
* Lodging: up to 11,600 yen/day for stays of 1 to 30 days, up to 10,440 yen for stays continuing from 31 to 60 days, and then up to 9,280 yen for 61 days and more)

Applicants are free to make initial contact with host team leaders at any time. Submitted documents will be handled in accordance with RIKEN rules concerning personal information and only used for screening applications for this position. Personal information will not be disclosed, transferred, or lent to any third party without a justifiable reason. Intellectual property issues will be handled in accordance with RIKEN regulations. Please note that RIKEN IMS Internship Program participants must be enrolled in an academic institution (university, research institute, etc.) during the internship period.

Applicants will be notified of their results about one month after their documents have been submitted to RIKEN by their requested host team leaders. Successful applicants should note that they will be responsible for any applicable cancellation fees related to their travel and accommodation arrangements should they withdraw from the internship program. There are no exceptions to this policy for any reason, including personal emergencies.




  • The applicant shows a desire to develop their future abilities as a researcher by placing themselves in a new research environment in RIKEN IMS.
  • This internship program will contribute to the applicants ‘career development.
  • The purpose and research topics of the applicant are appropriate to RIKEN IMS.
  • The applicant cannot come to RIKEN IMS without this internship program.


  • Applicants in Category 1 must be students in a master’s or PhD program or medical students at a level equivalent to that of a master’s student in Japan.
  • Applicants in Category 2 must be young postdocs within three years of obtaining their PhD. Applicants must be enrolled in an academic institution during the proposed internship period.
  • RIKEN IMS Internship Program participants must be enrolled in an academic institution (university, research institute, etc.) during the internship period.
  • Incomplete or incorrect applications may be rejected. Please note that applications written in Japanese will not be accepted.
  • Submitted application documents cannot be returned or changed.

Eligible Regions: Open for all



 Application Process

Select a RIKEN IMS laboratory to work from among the listed laboratories ( and contact the lab to confirm that it is ready to host from FY2024. Refer to the RIKEN IMS laboratories list and contact the addresses shown on the relevant webpages. Send an email to the host laboratory’s team leader attaching the following materials written in English.
Given the selection schedule, please send the application no later than four months before desired start date.

  •  Curriculum vitae
  • Purpose (A4 size 1 page) including the research topics in RIKEN IMS
  • Research background (A4 size 1 page)
  • Desired dates (1-3 months)
  • GDPR Consent form (EU and UK residents only)
    *A recommendation letter must be sent directly from the applicant’s supervisor to host team leader.

Apply now