Call for Cash Transfer Service Provider At Future Resilience and Development Foundation (FRAD)

Future Resilience and Development Foundation (FRAD) is a registered non-profit organization with the corporate affairs commission in accordance with the Nigerian Law. We work with the Vision of a sustainable future where everyone can access development leaving no one behind and a Mission to build the resilience of vulnerable populations using locally available solutions that ensures participation leaving no one behind. This Vision and Mission guides our work in the thematic areas of GBV, Child protection, Nutrition, Education, early recovery and livelihood, and WASH. Over the years, FRAD has reached more than 19,000 children, men, women and girls through its various interventions.


FRAD is a compliant organization and only work with reputable Vendors and suppliers that will support our programming through the supply of goods and services. It is mandatory for all companies that will do business with FRAD to be compliant to all government regulations and must provide evidence through documentation of their compliance.

FRAD is implementing a WASH, Nutrition, Education, GBV and Child protection, in Northeastern part of Nigeria since 2019. This project aims Strengthening Inclusion and Protection of Women and Girls living with disabilities within the humanitarian response framework in Borno and Yobe States.

As part of this project, FRAD will be conducting Multipurpose Cash Assistance to vulnerable populations in Borno and Yobe State. Hence, FRAD wishes to invite Cash disbursement agencies registered with the Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC) in accordance with the Nigeria Law to participate in the pre selection process for registration into FRAD Foundation database of suppliers and service providers for the below listed categories. Please note that a participation in the pre selection process does not impose any obligation on FRAD to request bids from suppliers or service providers.

  1. Cash Transfer Service

 The service provision covers the following locations

  • Maiduguri (Jere, Magumeri and Konduga LGAs)
  • Yobe (Fune and Bade LGAs)

 Applications must contain the following documents:

·         Company profile

·         CAC Certificate

·         Tax clearance certificate for 2023

·         Proof of previous experience

·         Valid means of identification of the company directors

·         Filled, sign and stamp whistle blowing guidelines

·         Filled, sign and stamp pre-selection questionnaire

Method of application

All companies and business interested doing business with FRAD should send an email request for pre selection documents to

Deadline for Application: 16/04/2024

For request of the selection document you reach out through:

Address: House No 55 Mandau Street, 600282 Bulumkutu Abuja,

Maiduguri Borno State.

Email address: